Urban Metabolism
Urban Metabolism
Urban Metabolism
Urban Metabolism
Urban Metabolism
Urban Metabolism
Gemeente Rotterdam, IABR, FABRIC, JCFO, TNO
The publication represents the results of IABR – PROJECT ATELIER ROTTERDAM – a collaboration between the Municipality of Rotterdam and IABR. The content of the publication has been exhibited during IABR (the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam) – 2014 – URBAN BY NATURE.
Urban Metabolism is the project working towards creating sustainable and resilient cities of the future, through understanding urban flows and proposing urban strategies. It emphasizes the urgent need for a new city agenda, supported by analyses and new urban models, ideas and strategies.
The project aims to answer the following questions:
– How do the flows of goods, people, waste, biota, energy, food, fresh water, sand and air function in Rotterdam?
– What influence do these flows have on the quality of life in the city, and how do they relate to spatial developments?
– Can an insight into the metabolism of Rotterdam help us develop into a sustainable region? and what opportunities are there for a circular economy?