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Deep Fountain

Deep fountain is located centrally at the square at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. It is an artwork made by the Spanish artist Cristina Iglesias. More than just an artwork it also functions as a slow water infiltration basin, becoming a kind of pond in which ebb and flow is simulated. Therefore it can be seen as a temporary mirror made by the water surface in which the museum’s facade is being reflected.
Deep fountain has an area of 34 by 14 meters. The floor will be completely covered with 2,700 organically formed elements which look like leaves and branches. They are made of resin with an oxidized copper color, sufficiently dark to guarantee the reflection of the museum. Every seven minutes the pond fills up after which it empties again, a simulation of ebb and flow. Vegetation is printed on the bottom panels so that the viewer first sees the museum reflected and later, when the water drains again, should see nature.

It becomes a common space which attracts people to the square to enjoy the animation made by water, as an essential element reviving a public square in the city of Antwerp.

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